Welcome Back
Well Hello there! Are you all still there? It has been a long time since I have posted here to my little blog. Over a year! A lot has been going on over the past year in my life and I’m so glad to be back to share with you. Are you new here or just forgot why you subscribed to this blog in the first place? Let me introduce myself!
My name is Adrienne. And I started this blog to share home decor, DIY projects, painted furniture and vintage everything with you. I am the Mom of 3 amazing boys, ages 12, 10 and 1. My husband and I have moved around the country for his job. From Ohio to California to Pennsylvania back to Ohio then another city in Ohio then back to California and now to Washington. This past year was one of major change for my family. First, we introduced our new baby boy. Beau Oliver made his debut on June 9th 2015. You can see that post here.
Oh man this boy has brought more joy to this family than I ever could have imagined. Someone recently described him as a ball of sunshine. And he is! But in full disclosure, this first year with a newborn was difficult. At first I thought I would just fit blogging in between naps. Until he didn’t take a nap. Then I thought I could fit blogging in at night after he went to bed. But I was whooped by the time evening came. Finally, I had to come to the conclusion to just sit back and enjoy this time with him. As I know from my older boys, this time goes fast and I can’t get it back. He is now 16 months old and we are moving out of the baby stage and into toddlerhood. This transition is giving me a little more flexibility and freedom in our schedule. Sometimes!
And as if having a baby wasn’t a big enough life event. About 8 weeks after Beau was born, we moved from California to the Pacific Northwest. Folks, we’ve moved quite a bit for my husband’s job. But this one was a doozy. Between stolen wallets, never ending rain mixed in with some postpartum baby blues and you’ve got the perfect recipe for staying in your pjs most of the day. In the past I have found that it takes me about 6 months to get my bearings in a new location. This time the transition period has been about a year plus. I’m really just feeling like I’m starting to know my way around, starting to make some new friends and starting to maybe, just maybe like my new area.
The great state of Washington has brought a lot of rain into my life, literally! But the ray of sunshine in my life has been my new home. I love, love, love this space. I can’t wait to share it with you!
This past year brought so much change including my ability to DIY, paint furniture and run a vintage booth. A lot of what I loved to do in the past has been put on the back burner. But I’m finding that I have other interests that I am excited to share with you going forward. I have always had a love for fashion and style. My love for interior design has grown. And in my effort to lose some of the baby weight and be as healthy as I can be for my family; I have developed a new interest in purging my house of chemicals and introducing new and healthier options. So I am excited to begin sharing these aspects of my life with you.
Oh and I went from blonde to brunette-ish. Talk about change!
My hope is to check in here at least once a week. I realize that isn’t a lot in the land of blogging. But it’s where I am right now. And I’m sprucing this place up just for you. New layout, new pics. And a new section to Shop my Instagram. And if you aren’t following me on Instagram yet you can follow me here. So welcome back my friends, it’s so nice to see you again!
Odette Vandaveer says
Yay! Excited for new content!
chiccalifornia says
Thanks Odette!
randiag says
Welcome Back!!! You look stunning and we miss you here in the east bay!
chiccalifornia says
Thanks Frug girls!
Barbara Ann says
Are you going to change your blog name? Welcome and excited to see your new content
chiccalifornia says
Hi Barbara! I have considered changing my blog name but then decided against it for now. I’m still a Cali girl!
Teri says
I’ve been patiently waiting! So pleased to hear that you are back to blogging. I can’t wait to see all that you’ve done to your new home as well as all the new and exciting things going on in your life. You look marvelous! We still miss you at book club every month!