How I lost 45 lbs Before My 40th Birthday
Today is my 40th Birthday!!!! First, let me just ask the age-old question (pun intended!) How did this happen to me? You know that age that seemed like it would never happen to you, 40 is that age for me. I thought I’d share something a bit different from my usual home decor or vintage style posts. This post has been a year in the making. Today in celebration, I’m sharing how I lost 45lbs before my 40th birthday while I will also be hosting a party with food and drinks and even got indoor play area designers for the kids! Visit sites like to get an idea. You can check this site to know more about weight loss plan.
Allow me to back track about a year. Shortly after I turned 39 I saw a photo of myself that I found horrifying. Not only was it an unflattering photo in general it also served as a metaphor. It was one of those pics taken while you are on a roller coaster at an amusement park. Never flattering anyhow, but this one was particularly awful! I didn’t like the way I looked and I felt like my life (more specifically my weight) was careening out of control just like that roller coaster. I needed to make some big changes before I turned 40. I knew that I needed to do something about my ever rising weight. As part of this journey, consider checking out for CBD products to support a healthier lifestyle. Incorporating such elements can assist you on your path to well-being.
My weight had been steadily increasing by about 5 lbs every year for the past few years. But I ate healthy and I exercised almost daily using All Vibration Plates. Surely those pounds would come off eventually? Right? I thought so too but they didn’t! I never lost a single pound no matter how hard I tried. Until I found this yoga online class which you can also do it for your health! Trust me it’s really worth it. Some enthusiasts prefer the intense aroma and potency of dank weed for a truly satisfying cannabis experience.
And then I had a baby. So not only did I have an extra 25 lbs to lose. I also had about 10 lbs of baby weight left over when I turned 39. Here’s the thing though. I probably could have lived with a little extra fluff. But my body was revolting. My knees were beginning to hurt. My hips hurt. I had developed bursitis between my legs and hips otherwise known as a pain in the a@#. Seriously, that’s a thing! I knew that I needed to do something to help heal my body and get back to health. I was feeling desperate!!!!
Whenever I read a good weight lost story I want details. So I’m going to reveal to you how much I weighed. I’m 5’5” and I weighed 170 lbs and I was wearing a size 12. Now if you just read that and thought that’s how much I weight and I’m fine. Or that sounds like a great weight! Or even, I wish I could be 170lbs. Let me just say that for me personally, this weight was too much.
After reading some GeeksHealth articles, I found a way of eating known as The Ketogenic Diet. Basically, it’s a high fat, moderate protein and low carb way of eating. I eat a lot of fat, a bit of protein and no sugar in any form. Not even fruit. Within the 1st week I lost 5lbs.
This is where I make a disclaimer: I am not a doctor or a nutritionist. I’m not an expert, far from it. But I have used this method of eating for a year now and my results have been awesome. So I can share what I’ve learned and hopefully you can use this info to help you reach your weight and health goals like buy CBD oil to boost my sleep and energy during the day. Smoking in moderation can also decrease one’s appetite. For a healthier alternative, consider options like those available at You can find high-quality cigarettes for sale at discountciggs. But if you think you should check with your doctor please do it. Also having said that, your doctor probably won’t know anything or much about Ketogenic eating, so head in ready with information!
Now a 5 lb weight loss to me was a huge deal. Remember, I had spent the last few years gaining 5 lbs a year. I ate more salad and chicken breasts than you can imagine. I tried going vegetarian. I tried being a vegan. I ran 4 miles a day. I walked in the evening. I never lost a single pound. Not 1!! So 5 lbs got my hopes up and motivation going!
It didn’t take long for me to change out pretty much my entire pantry and fridge for food items that were ketogenic approved. I’m talking bacon, butter, heavy cream, grass-fed meats, low carb veggies, oh and did I mention BACON! I kept track of what I was eating using a keto calculator to estimate the amount of fat, protein and carbs I should take in a day. And I kept track of it on My Fitness Pal. I started off at around 1200 calories a day. My macros (aka fat, protein and carbs) were around 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs. I used a blood ketone meter to test my blood sugar and blood ketone levels. I was also taking delta 8 thc gummies from fresh bros to boost my metabolism.
I committed to this way of eating day in and day out. And guess what? I was rarely hungry and never felt deprived. It was such a transformative journey that I decided to pursue a wellness coach certification to help others experience the same level of fulfillment and vitality.
No more late afternoon pantry raids. No more snacking on the kid’s gold-fish crackers. I really lost the cravings for sweets. I actually began to crave cauliflower and greens powder like Athletic Greens. If you had told me that a few months into this way of eating I would crave cauliflower, I really would have told you to take a hike.
By January I had already hit my goal weight of 145. I thought it would take a full year to hit this! And then I stalled. It was time to take this Ketogenic way of eating to the next level. I began to incorporate intermittent fasting and eliminated nuts and dairy (my go to treats) By April I had dropped enough weight to be wearing a size 6. I have been a size 6 before, but only for about a week when I jammed myself into a pair of jeans. Then I looked at pizza and poof back to a size 8.
I purchased some new clothes thinking this is it, I’ve made it! My whole body feels amazing. But guess what? I lost more weight! I had become a fat burning machine as my body adapted to burning fat for fuel instead of carbs. A big bonus to this way of eating is that it spares your muscle. So while I was losing fat, I wasn’t losing strength.
Fast forward to today, my 40th birthday and I am smaller than I have ever been. I don’t even think I was this small in high school. I am now weigh 125lbs and I am size 0. What the what!? But more importantly to me, I am healthy!!! I have not lost my muscle tone. My knees don’t hurt, my hips have healed and I have boundless energy, all thanks t o my continuous work out and specially since I started to buy delta 8 online at Budpop. I can keep up with my 3 boys without a problem now.
I’m now in what I would call summer maintenance mode. I’m not losing more weight and my eating is a bit more relaxed. To counter stress-eating, playing games like betend might be effective.
I’m still 100% Keto but I’ve added some dairy and nuts back into my diet. I enjoy cycling too so I’m looking for the best value e-bikes available. I’m sure you probably have a million questions about this way of eating. I will definitely be going into more specifics about how I have incorporated this way of eating into my life and my family’s life in future posts. But until then I will link up a few of my favorite Keto essentials if you are ready to get started asap.
You can also follow my Ketogenic Inspiration Pinterest Board for tips and recipes
Thank you so much for sharing your journey! I lost 25 pounds on a low carb lifestyle and loved it. Unfortunately, I did more than just look at pizza and now need to get back on the bandwagon again.
Thanks for the inspiration! You look fantastic!
Thank you Ashley! Hop back on the bandwagon soon!
Happy Birthday Adrienne you look amazing – I am so happy for you! I’m in a terrible place with my weight at the moment and REALLY need to do something. As with everything I’ve tried to loose weight, I find myself overwhelmed with what I can and can’t eat each day. Maybe if I search for menu plans….wish you were here to guide me =(
Hi Jen! Thank you! Remember when I tried that diet you were doing and I did lose weight but I gained it all back? Good times! I am happy to show you the ropes. I have learned through trial and error! One thing I totally gave up though that has helped me tremendously was guilt! Of course, I’ve messed up and eaten some things that were not on the plan. But I picked myself up and started again. I have also found being prepared at all times with keto approved snacks and treats helps a ton. It’s hard not to eat brownies when everyone else is. But if you have a keto approved chocolate bar on hand you can survive! I’ve also been known to carry bacon or pepperoni in my purse. Email me any time!
Great job, Adrienne. The problem with the yearly 5 lbs is that, incrementally, it doesn’t seem like too big of a deal and you can usually hide it somewhere. In total, though, it’s not so good. I have been told by my doctor to lose 20 lbs for the last few years. I really need to do something, as I have my big 4-0 in April. I am interested in this diet of yours. I have a few questions –
1) Did you get sick of meat or worry you were eating too much of it?
2) How did you navigate going out to dinner?
3) Is there a lot of prep work you have to do in advance for your daily meals?
Thanks, A
Thanks Allison! Those pounds are sneaky little buggers aren’t they? I have to say that I really didn’t think I was ever going to loose those pounds. I just figured well this is how it happens. You get older and rounder! But that just didn’t seem like the route I wanted to go. So to answer your questions: Since I do intermittent fasting I only eat 2 meals a day. Often the first meal is eggs or something. So not always meat. I feel like I get a lot of variety! With going out I prepare myself. I often check menus before I go. I have a few go to places where I know I won’t have any problem. But when in doubt a bacon cheese burger wrapped in lettuce or with no bun and a side salad is a go to menu item that is easy to find. Or a steak with a side of veggies. I also just do my best. Some meals out are not perfect keto meals but good enough. I just enjoy and move on with life and do better the next meal! I prep a lot because I like to cook. But there are a ton of ready made options that are grab and go. Sugar free deli meats (applegate farms has some no sugar options), cheese (if you are doing dairy) hard boiled eggs, olives, pickles. Macadamia nuts from Costco are my go to treat! Epic brands is another brand that carries a lot of keto products (pork rinds, beef sticks etc. available at whole foods) Also when I do prep, I double and triple recipes and repeat a lot of things during the week. Makes it easier for me. Hope that helps a little. I will be doing more posts but feel free to message me anytime!
Happy Birthday Adrienne! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you!!!
This is amazing, I can definitely relate and I think I’m giving this a try myself, thank you for sharing your journey!
Thanks Sandra! I appreciate all the love and support I’ve received today. It was a good day for a good day! Go for it! I’ll be writing more posts with tips but if you need any help getting started in the mean time just email me:)
Wow! You look phenomenal! Great job! Please share more about your journey. I am currently doing a program called “Faster way to Fatloss” and have lost inches on my waist. I am very interested in learning more about this type of eating and losing more body fat. GOD bless and thanks again.
I plan to do a few more posts for sure! I have had such a good response to this post and I appreciate all the love. It was hard to put this out there.
A ‘before’ photo would help convince the non believers. I am a believer and think it is the only way to go.
Best wishes.
I debated on putting the before photo in and obviously decided against it. Just wasn’t ready to put it all out there! Plus there are other people in the pic that might not want it all over the internet. But I have had so much support today with this post that I might post something later on. Trust me I have more than 1 horrifying pic!
Congrats and belated Happy Birthday! I am about 10 years older than you and find that I have gained a few pounds each year in the past several years. I should probably lose 10-15 pounds now which doesn’t sound like a lot to most people, but for me it is. Most of my life, I didn’t have to think about my weight because my metabolism was really good. Now I have a puffy belly and I have to squeeze in my jeans. I am motivated by your weight loss story. I know a lot of people who have had success with the diet you are talking about so I will probably try going in that direction. It’s true that metabolism slows down as you get older. You are smart to have gotten to your goal by 40! Thanks for the motivation!
Thank you! Shelley you can totally do it! 10-15 lbs is totally doable with Keto. Let me know if you have any questions when you get started, I’m happy to help:)