Creamy Milk Paint Buffet: My Old Favorite
Remember I told you that my most favorite piece of furniture I ever painted was this gray hutch? Well, that’s my new favorite. But I never told you about my old favorite. The one before my new favorite! This one…
She wasn’t much to look at at first. And the finish was really bad. ! So bad in fact that I forgot to take a really good before pic. But I did get one after I sanded the top down to the wood and painted on one coat of Sweet Pickins Milk Paint in Creamy. I used the shellac technique for this one so that the dark stain wouldn’t bleed through the light color.
I stained the top in Minwax Dark Walnut. This is one of my favorite stain colors, it’s nice and dark. And I sealed the top with Minwax Polycrylic in Satin.
This piece still chipped quite a bit, despite using the shellac. Some pieces just play around like that.
I sealed this piece using clear wax to seal in all the chippy goodness.
This one didn’t last long when I took it to my retail space. It quickly became someone else’s favorite!
Jeanette says
Gorgeous piece!!!
Jamie @ anderson + grant says
I love the chippy finish! I can see why it was your favorite.
Darrielle Tennenbaum says
I love the chippy white with the dark underneath showing-one of my favorite looks and you did an amazing job! Love it!
chiccalifornia says
Thanks so much! So glad you stopped by 🙂
sbaileymtg says
Hi! I love this. I love milk paint so much but it seem like I always have to use more then 1 coat. Did you only use 1 coat of milk paint on this piece and then just wax it?
chiccalifornia says
I’m glad you love milk paint too! No, I always need more than one coat! Usually 2 with the dark colors and 3 to sometimes even 4 with light colors or white. I think I did 3 coats on this piece. Then I smoothed it out with 220 grit sandpaper and then waxed it.